Track Booking
Track Booking
Type A : Regular Clothes
₱ 27.00 Per Kilo
₱ 135.00 Per Load
(Minimum of 5Kgs / Maximum of 7Kgs)
Type B : Heavy Garments
₱ 34.00 Per Kilo
₱ 170.00 Per Load
(Minimum of 5Kgs)
✓ Bedsheet Blanket
✓ Towel, Maong, Pants/Shorts
✓ Pants, Sweat Shirt
✓ Simple Gown, Stuffed Toy (Small)
✓ Window Curtain (Light), Socks
✓ Jacket, Thick Shorts
Type C : Thick Garments
₱ 34.00 Per Kilo
₱ 170.00 Per Load
(Minimum of 4Kgs)
✓ Comforter Mini (₱150.00 PER PC)
✓ Comforter Single (₱220.00 PER PC)
✓ Comforter Queen Size (₱275.00 PER PC)
✓ Pillow/Big Stuffed Toys (₱50.00 PER PC)
Optional Services
✓ Heavy Stain
→ Type A : 1-3pcs (₱ 20.00)
→ Type B : 1-3pcs (₱ 100.00) AND 4-6pcs (₱ 200.00)
✓ White Clothes Separation Add (₱50.00 PER LOAD)